is Discover Fly Fishing?
Discover Fly Fishing
is a consumer outreach effort
of the American Fly Fishing
Trade Association designed
to bring new consumers into
the sport of fly fishing.
Our 1999 released Consumer
Demographic Study indicated
that 18.3 million people aged
16 or more (9% of the adult
population) fish, have never
fly fished, but are interested
in fly fishing.
The statistic indicates that
the general tackle (cast and
spin) angler is a solid target
for increasing participation
in the sport of fly fishing.
AFFTA has targeted a number
of cross over sport shows
(general fishing and at least
some fly fishing) to exhibit
with a Discover Fly Fishing
display where we:
- Register consumers for
a free 50 page how-to fly
fish book
- Provide a free hands on
intro lesson to fly casting
on-site at each show
- Hold the casting lessons
at set times during each
consumer show
- Distribute local retailer
information for the consumer
to proceed with the journey
into fly fishing
- Distribute sponsor promotional
material to allow our program
sponsors to be the first
manufacturers or other entities
the new consumer learns
- Distribute information
to lead consumers to our
Discover Fly Fishing website
where they directly link
to sponsor websites and
look up retailers in their
Discover Fly Fishing has
also been promoted to current
fly anglers through full page
four color advertisements
in 5 consumer fly fishing
publications, encouraging
current anglers to teach friend
and family about the sport,
and offering them a free 50
page how-to book via registration
on the Discover Fly Fishing
Each website registrant will
be mailed a free 50 page how-to
book on fly fishing along
with sponsor promotional materials
and contact information.
By providing substantial and
targeted education to the
new consumer via a hands-on
fly casting lesson and a free
book on the basics, we cordially
encourage the new fly angler
to continue to learn about
and participate in the sport
of fly fishing.
This total effort is in response
to one of AFFTA’s main Strategic
Goals to Increase the Market
for Fly Fishing Products.
Fly Fishing Consumer Ad Campaign
“Return the Favor. Teach a
This consumer ad campaign
is based in the premise of
encouraging current fly anglers
to teach family and friends
to fly fish.
The creative work on each
of the full page four color
ads was provided by Horton
Lance Morocco of Seattle,
via a pro-bono arrangement
set in motion by their client,
Sage Rod Company.
These ads appear in the following
fly fishing consumer publications
via generous contribution
from these publications:
- American Angler
- Fly Fishing in Salt Waters
- Fly Rod and Reel
- Fly Tyer
- Salt Water Fly Fishing
All ads close with a directive
to visit the www.discoverflyfishing.com,
where the consumer can register
for the free 50 Page how-to
fly fish book, visit program
sponsor sites, and research
local fly fishing retailers
in their area.
Discover Fly Fishing is a
program developed by AFFTA
to help people interested
in our sport get a good head
Learn more about this program
by visiting the Discover
Fly Fishing website.